Peter Symonds College

These courses were developed and are delivered and assessed by Peter Symonds College, awarded by and quality assured by Middlesex University.

Peter Symonds College (PSC) is a sixth-form College in Winchester, Hampshire. Higher Education students are mainly recruited from a 25-30 mile radius surrounding the college although some students come from much further afield such as London, the Channel Islands and Cornwall. Peter Symonds College has a rich heritage formed in 1607 by Peter Symonds. The sixth-form college was established in 1974. Teaching of Higher Education programmes began in 2011 on a separate site to the sixth-form and there are some 250 HE students every year.

Courses available

FdA Humanistic Counselling Based on Transactional Analysis (validated)
BA Honours Humanistic and Integrative Counselling (top up) (validated)
BA Honours/FdA Early Years (validated)
BA Honours/FdA Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) (validated)
BA Honours/FdA Teaching and Learning Support (validated)
MA Education (Leadership and Management) (franchise)

Find out more

Contact: Dom Thompson, Director of Adult and Higher Education