Dr Olugbenga Oluwagbemi

Senior Lecturer in Computing Science

Olugbenga Oluwagbemi
  • School Faculty of Science and Technology

  • Department Computer Science

  • Location London

Research activities

Climate change modelling; Computationalmodelling in health; Applied Artificial Intelligence; Artificial Intelligence in Health; Applied Health Informatics; AI in biomedical data science; Modelling the impact of climatechange effects on the proliferation of infectious and non-infectious diseases; Bioinformatics (Computational Genomics);Informatics in medicine; Computer-Aided Diagnosis; Information Technology inHealth; developing health informatics software and mobile applications forhealth management; Applied Data Science; Applied Machine learning

Current Teaching

Dr. Oluwagbemi has successfully taught the security aspects of Data Science in the course/module: CST4080: Legal, Ethical and Security Aspects of Data Science in Middlesex University London, United Kingdom

He also currently teaches the following courses/modules in Middlesex University London, UK:

1. CST4080: Legal, Ethical and Security Aspects of Data Science [Ethical Aspects]

2. CST4090 :Individual Data Science project

3. CST4444: Individual Project

4. CST3390: Undergraduate individual project

5. CST4125: Blockchain Development 

He had previously taught different computer science, and bioinformatics courses/modules at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in previous universities over 17 years. He has also taught few mathematical courses.  

Current Supervision

Postdoctoral Supervision

I am currently about to start supervising one(1) Postdoc candidate through a UK African Research Excellence Fellowship (AREF) external research funding that has just been successfully won.

PhD Supervision

I am currently co-Supervising 1 PhD student

MSc Supervision

 I am currently supervising some MSc Computer Science and Data Science students.        I have successfully supervised 7 MSc Computer Science and Data Science candidates. I have successfully assessed 8 MSc Computer Science thesis/dissertations, and successfully examined 3 MSc oral defence.

BSc Supervision

I have successfully supervised a total of 72 BSc Honours students.


Dr. Olugbenga Oluwagbemi conducted his PhD researchat Johns Hopkins University, United States of America, as a J. Williams Fulbright Research Scholar and defendedhis PhD Computer Science thesis in Covenant University, Nigeria. He obtained a BSc(Hons) Computer Science degree from the University of Ilorin, and MSc Computer Science degree from the University ofIbadan, Nigeria. He also obtained an advanced certificate fromthe Rochester Institute of Technology, United States of America, under the sponsorship of the J. William Fulbright Scholarship Foundation. Oluwagbemi held a 2-year NRF Innovationpostdoctoral research fellowship at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Stellenbosch University (SU), South Africa. He was alsoan AfOx visiting postdoctoral researcher to the Big Data Institute, Li Ka ShingCentre for Health Information and Discovery, Nuffield Department of Medicine,University of Oxford, United Kingdom. Afterwards, he held another 2-year DAAD-fundedand Oppenheimer Memorial Trust-funded postdoctoral research associate fellowshipposition at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Oluwagbemi was previously an Associate Professor of ComputerScience and IT at Sol Plaatje University, where he led a task team to developthe concept note and established the Centre for Applied Data Science at theuniversity. He has research experience at various universities in the United States of America, United Kingdom,South Africa, and Nigeria. He has the UK Royal Society’s endorsement for aGlobal Talent immigration stream. He is a senior lecturer (US equivalent of associateprofessor) in Computer Science at Middlesex University, UK. He is also a C2 NRFrated established researcher in South Africa. Oluwagbemi has over 17 years ofteaching experience in teaching Computer Science and Information Technologycourses in different university settings. He has won some prestigiousindividual and collaborative international research grants. He has published inmany prestigious international journals.Oluwagbemi’s research interests include Climate change modelling; Computationalmodelling in health; Artificial Intelligence in Health; AI in Biomedical data science; Modelling the impact of climatechange effects on the proliferation of infectious and non-infectious diseases;Computational Health Informatics; Bioinformatics (Computational Genomics);Informatics in medicine; Computer-Aided Diagnosis; Information Technology inHealth; developing health informatics software and mobile applications forhealth management; Applied Data Science; Machine learning; He believes in Godand pursues quality and rigorous research


Title: DAAD ClimapAfrica Postdoctoral Research Associate Fellow

Date: 31 Mar 2022

Institution: Stellenbosch University, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Stellenbosch, South Africa

Title: DST-NRF Innovation Postdoctoral Fellow

Date: 31 Mar 2020

Institution: Stellenbosch University, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Stellenbosch, South Africa

Title: African-Oxford (AfOx) Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Date: 09 Apr 2019

Institution: University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Medicine, Big Data Institute, Li Ka Shing Centre for Health Information and Discovery, Old Road Campus | Oxford | OX3 7LF |, England, United Kingdom

Title: PhD in Computer Science

Notes: Defended my PhD thesis in Nigeria

Date: 26 Jul 2013

Institution: Covenant University, Department of Computer and Information Sciences, College of Science and Technology, Nigeria

Title: PhD Research in Computer Science

Notes: I conducted my PhD research in Computer Science, under the sponsorship of the J. William Fulbright Foundation, in Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, United States of America

Date: 13 Jun 2011

Institution: Johns Hopkins University, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America

Title: Advanced Certificate in English Language

Notes: Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, United States of America, July - August 2010 Attended an intensive and comprehensive course under the sponsorship of the J. William Fulbright Foundation of the United States of America Government.

Date: 25 Aug 2010

Institution: Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, United States of America

Title: MSc in Computer Science

Date: 02 Sept 2004

Institution: University of Ibadan, Department of Computer Science – Ibadan, Nigeria

Title: BSc in Computer Science

Date: 03 Mar 1999

Institution: University of Ilorin, Department of Mathematics, Computer Science Programme, Ilorin, Nigeria

External activities

  • Member, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2023
  • Prizes and Awards

  • National Research Foundation (2021- 2026) Incentive Funding for Rated Researchers (IPRR) Award, National Research Foundation, South Africa, 2021
  • Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Research Grant Award, Oppenheimer Memorial Trust [OMT], South Africa, 2021
  • C2 National Research Foundation (NRF) Researcher Rating Award, National Research Foundation (NRF), South Africa, 2021
  • Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dientst (DAAD) – German Academic Exchange Service Climate Research Alumni and Postdocs Africa (CLAP): 2-Year Personal DAAD Research Grant Award, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), Germany, 2020
  • Vice-Rector’s Research, Innovation, and Postgraduate Studies 2018 Postdoctoral Fellow Award for Exceptional Achievement and for being among the Top 20 Postdocs in Stellenbosch University, South Africa, Vice-Rector’s Research, Innovation, and Postgraduate Studies Office, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 2018
  • DST-NRF 2018 Innovation Postdoctoral Fellowship Award, National Research Foundation (NRF), South Africa, 2018
  • Young Researcher Award (Postdoctoral category), 4th Heidelberg Laureates Fellows Forum, Heidelberg Laureates Fellows Forum Committee, Germany, 2016
  • Richard Tapia Scholarship Award recipient and ACM SIG Travel Grant recipient on Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing, Richard Tapia Scholarship and ACM SIG Committee, Washington DC, United States of America, 2013
  • Wellcome Trust and H3ABIONET Computational Biology/Bioinformatics Travel Grant and Workshop Grant Award to an ISCB-ASBCB Cassablanca International Scientific Conference, Wellcome Trust and H3ABIONET, United Kingdom and United States of America, 2013
  • 5th Place [Mentor Award] National Computer Programming Contest – National Mathematical Center, Abuja, Nigeria (2012)., National Mathematical Center, Nigeria, 2012
  • 5th and 6th Place [Mentor Award] ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)-ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest) 13th South African Regional Computer Programming Contest, Certificate of Achievement, ACM-ICPC 13th South African Regional Computer Programming Contest Committee, South Africa, 2011
  • 3rd Place - Bronze Medal Winner [Mentor Award] National Computer Programming Contest – Certificate of Merit, National Mathematical Center, Nigeria, 2011
  • Scientific Project B – 2nd Position in 2011 Fulbright Enrichment Project Competition, New York City, United States of America, (2011), Fulbright Foundation, United States of America, 2011
  • Fulbright Research Scholar Award, Fulbright Foundation, United States of America, 2010
  • Fulbright Summer Program Award, Fulbright Foundation, United States of America, 2010
  • Publications