With a background in Geography, Christophe isworking at the interface of economic and physical sciences. He has worked atthe Flood Hazard Research Centre for the last 17 years and has gainedexperience in working and leading interdisciplinary research in the field ofwater and flood risk management at National and European level. He has a strongand in-depth knowledge of the Multi-Coloured Manual and its techniques and hasbeen involved in the updating, writing, application and teaching of the latestMCM versions. In particular, Christophe has developed the current MCM databaseallowing the generation of the new depth-damages curves. Christophe have alsogained strong knowledge on techniques overseas (EU CONHAZ project) and indifferent contexts (coastal, urban and fluvial flooding) and co-developed alibrary of vulnerability indicators data and methods. Christophe has alsodeveloped Geographic Information System and network analysing tools forassessing flood vulnerability and losses (INDRA Integrated DisruptionAssessment model – EU RISC-Kit project); in particular the model considerstraffic, utilities and business supply chain disruption. Christophe was alsoinvolved in the new MCM methodological development on the mental health costsof flooding. He is currently developing new methodology for groundwater floodrisk evaluation, for flood performance certificate, surface water flood risk inarid region, air quality risk assessmen
Title: PG-cert in Higher Education
Date: 01 Sept 2017
Institution: Middlesex University
Title: PhD in Water Resources Management
Date: 01 Jun 2006
Institution: Ecole National des Mines De Paris
Title: MSc (DEA) in Geography speciality in remote sensing and environmental management
Date: 01 Jul 2002
Institution: University of Rennes 2
Title: European Diploma in environmental sciences and education
Date: 01 Jul 2001
Institution: University of Rennes 1
Title: MSc in Ecology
Date: 01 Jul 2000
Institution: University of Rennes 1