External examiners: role and responsibilities
Middlesex University engages around 300 external examiners across our provision, to provide ‘impartial and independent advice’ as well as ‘informative comment on our standards and student achievement’ in relation to those standards’ as described by the Quality Code’s Advice and Guidance on External Expertise.
External examiners are therefore usually experienced academics at other higher education institutions and will use their prior experience and knowledge of the subject, and other institutions, to be able to offer us their independent assessment of our academic standards and the quality of our assessments to internal reference points (e.g. institutional regulations) and external reference points (e.g. Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications, subject benchmark statements).
External examiners are expected to comment on the comparability of our student performance and standard of our awards in respect to their experience of other higher education providers.
External examiners will confirm that our policies and procedures are consistently and fairly implemented to ensure the integrity and rigour of our assessment practices. External examiners will also identify good practice and give advice on modules and programmes as well as make particular recommendations for enhancement.
Acting as an external examiner generally involves the scrutiny and evaluation of a body of evidence for groups of students, which typically consists of:
- Course or programme specification
- Examination question papers and coursework assignment tasks
- Sample of assessed student work
- Discussions with academic staff and, where appropriate, students
- Attendance at examination boards
External examiner annual reports are an integral part of the University’s quality monitoring and enhancement process and play an important role in the programme review cycle. A completed report should be submitted within four weeks of the final assessment board to the external examiner via externalexaminer@mdx.ac.uk.
The full responsibilities of the Programme Assessment Boards are outlined in the University Regulations. Please refer to Section D10 and D11 of the University’s Regulations.
Contact us
If you have any general enquiries regarding your External Examiner appointment or you would like to enquire about an external examiner vacancy at Middlesex University, email: externalexaminer@mdx.ac.uk.
If your query is related to Assessment Board information, email: assessmentofficers@mdx.ac.uk.
If you are an existing external examiner and you wish to change your contact details or personal information, please email: externalexaminer@mdx.ac.uk.