External examiners: Assessment conversation for equity and enhancement

Equity and Enhancement

Equity and Enhancement

From the 2022/2023 academic year onwards, Middlesex University’s approach to external examining has a refreshed focus which provides added value inputs around assessment design, at a programme level to support good practice and enhancement. There is less of a focus on approving individual assessments and externally moderating a large volume of assessments based on all modules within a programme.

To support Programme Teams with the enhancement of their assessments and the related strategy they should have an ongoing dialogue with the external examiner. This dialogue will be supported by having an Assessment Conversation for Equity and Enhancement (ACEE) meeting with them. This will set out the priorities for the year including assessments to be reviewed and student work to be seen.

During the ACEE meeting when these will be provided to the EE. Over the time of the EEs tenure, it would be expected that the EE reviews and confirms the appropriateness of all assessments and criteria.

Programme Teams will hold discussions with their EE(s) at a meeting preceding the start of the academic year for students. This can be supplemented with further discussions throughout the year. The 2022/23 academic year is a transitional year and the timings of these meetings will differ.

In the new ACEE process, EE attendance is expected at main Programme Assessment boards, with the opportunity to attend resit boards, but their attendance at resit boards is not mandatory.

Purpose of the Assessment Conversation for Equity and Enhancement (ACEE)

The ACEEs are an opportunity to work with the EEs to:

  • Ensure the integrity, rigour and fairness of assessment procedures is being applied consistently and fairly;
  • Clarify their role in overseeing the setting of assessment tasks
  • Discuss the programmes/discipline learning, teaching, assessment and feedback strategy
  • Discuss the design and delivery characteristics of the programme as set out in the programme specification;
  • Clarify marking and moderation protocols (question and assignment setting; model answers; double marking; blind marking; moderation);
  • Provide information on sampling and selection of student work that will be used to provide the evidence base for the external examiner.
  • Discuss arrangements and reasonable adjustments to assessment procedures for students with disabilities.

Body of Evidence for External Examiners

The ACEE meeting will be where the body of evidence for the EE will be confirmed:

  • Which modules and which elements of assessment should be formally reviewed by the EE in an academic year;
  • The requirement for attendance or involvement at exhibitions, performances; and
  • The requirement for EE to meet and have discussions with students.

Before the start of the academic year the following will be available to the EE:

  • Programme handbook including programme specification, and module narratives.
  • All agreed assessments (exams/coursework/etc) with grading criteria/rubric/solutions with proof of internal review and module handbook.

After Assessment has been completed the following will be available to the EE:

  • Sample packs for all modules identified during the ACEE session for sampling this academic year to the EE.
  • Module handbook
  • All assessment with marking criteria/solutions/rubric
  • Record of internal review of assessment for each component
  • Moderation Form: Student Assessed Work (for each assessment component)
  • Sample of work for each component (as agreed) with feedback
  • Module overall grades (excel spreadsheet or input grid)

Useful Information

Learning and Quality Enhancement Handbook (PDF)

Contact us

Contact us

If you have any general enquiries regarding your External Examiner appointment or you would like to enquire about an external examiner vacancy at Middlesex University, email: externalexaminer@mdx.ac.uk.

If your query is related to Assessment Board information, email: assessmentofficers@mdx.ac.uk.

If you are an existing external examiner and you wish to change your contact details or personal information, please email: externalexaminer@mdx.ac.uk.

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